Monday, May 17, 2021

Bout of Books 31 Wrap Up


I spent almost every day this week thinking to myself that I "only read" for whatever time I was posting to my Bout of Books updates. Then on Saturday I realized that I was thinking that I'd only read for a short amount of time because I was mentally comparing it to my reading time for pre 2020 Bout of Books challenges. In actuality the time I spent reading every day this past week was above average compared to my daily reading since the beginning of the pandemic. 

2020 truly broke the reading part of my brain. Between the pandemic, the election, and everything else that happened over the past fourteen months I became nearly incapable of concentrating on reading for more than a few minutes at a time. I'm hoping that this past week of Bout of Books might be the beginning of the return of my normal reading habits. 

This week I read for a total of 14 hours and 52 minutes. Honestly to read for an average of over two hours a day for seven days is drastically different than what I've done for the past fourteen months. 

I finished the two books I was reading when Bout of Books started, read a novella and read another novel. I finished more books this past week than I read for the entire month of April (and several other months in the past year or so. 

So, while my reading time is less than many previous Bout of Books events, it's definitely more than I've been reading for a long time. I'm calling that a huge success and hoping the trend continues. 

Books I finished:
  1. The Housewife Assassin's Guide to Gracious Killing by Josie Brown
  2. Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
  3. A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier narrated by Marisa Calin
  4. Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger
I hope you had a great Bout of Books. 

Here's to doing this again starting August 16th.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Bout of Books 31 Updates

This post will serve as my update post for Bout of Books 31. I will post my daily reading for Monday through Saturday. Sunday's reading will be included in my final wrap up post next Monday. I don't track pages read because with audiobooks that's just silly. I do track my total time spent reading. 

Monday Reading:
Today's reading was all in print. Part paper and part ereader.
I read for a total of 2 hours and 41 minutes. 
I finished The Housewife Assassin's Guide to Gracious Killing by Josie Brown. I had been a little over halfway through it before Bout of Books started. 
I started the latest Murderbot novella, Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells. 

Tuesday Reading:
I had a total of 2 hours and 31 minutes of reading today. 
30 minutes of that was audio. I'm listening to A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier narrated by Marisa Calin. It's been delightful so far.
In print read for 2 hours and 1 minute. 
I finished Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
I started Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger

Wednesday Reading:
Today wasn't a stellar reading day. Too much other stuff going on. I managed a total of 1 hour and 38 minutes. All of that was reading Curtsies & Conspiracies.

Thursday Reading:
Another day of being busy with stuff that kept interfering with my reading. 
I managed a total of 2 hours and 2 minutes of reading.
42 minutes of that was listening to A Castle in the Clouds. I'm at the climactic part and hope to be able to finish this tomorrow. 
In print I read Curtsies & Conspiracies for an hour and 20 minutes.

Friday Reading:
A total of 2 hours and 2 minutes of reading. 
1 hour and 2 minutes was audiobook time. I finished listening to A Castle in the Clouds. I enjoyed this one. I probably won't start another audiobook until Monday.
In print I read Curtsies & Conspiracies for an hour. 

Saturday Reading:
A total of 2 hours of reading today. 
All of that was in Curtsies & Conspiracies. I'm hoping to finish this one up tomorrow. 

Bout of Books 34 Wrap Up

I didn't read nearly as much for this Bout of Books as I did for the one in January but I'm OK with that. It was a weird week wi...